The State of Telangana is formed on bifurcation of the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh into two States viz., Andhra Pradesh & Telangana from the date of appointed day i.e. 2nd June, 2014 as per the Reorganization Act, 2014 (Act 6 of 2014).
Consequently, the erstwhile APSSCA is bifurcated in to two (2) State Seed Certification Agencies to serve the purpose of Seed Certification in both the successor states. Accordingly, Telangana State Seed Certification Agency (TSSCA) was registered on 5th July 2014 vide No.390 of 2014 under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001. The Government of Telangana has nominated the Director to TSSCA to start functioning in the geographical area of Telangana State.
The State Government constituted the Governing Board for the TSSCA vide G.O.Rt.No.39 of Dt:18.07.2014 with Principal Secretary to Government (Agriculture & Co-operation Dept.) as Chairman, and the Director of TSSCA as Member-Secretary for developing over all policy guidelines in certification in line with the Acts, Provisions and Central Seed Certification Board’s (CSCB) recommendations.
The State Government constituted the Governing Board for the TSSCA vide G.O.Rt.No.39 of Dt:18.07.2014 with Principal Secretary to Government (Agriculture & Co-operation Dept.) as Chairman, and the Director of TSSCA as Member-Secretary for developing over all policy guidelines in certification in line with the Acts, Provisions and Central Seed Certification Board’s (CSCB) recommendations.
The Head Office is located at Hyderabad with five divisional offices covering the entire state located one each at Hyderabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, and Gadwal. Two Seed Testing Laboratories (STLs) are established one each at Rajendranagar, and Karimnagar. Each division is a major centre of certified seed production for one or two crops like Karimnagar, Warangal, and Hyderabad divisions for Paddy; Gadwal division for Groundnut and Bengal gram; Nizamabad division for Soybean and Bajra etc.
TSSCA is acting as an instrument of the State to comply with the Governmental purposes envisaged under the Seeds Act, 1966 in making available of the high quality seeds of the Notified Kinds and Varieties through Certification. It ensures genetic identity and purity of the certified seeds as per the prescribed standards.
TSSCA is a service oriented organization sustaining on its own revenues realized through service charges levied for various certification services rendered to the seed producers and seed growers.
Meanwhile, the state Government has entrusted the TSSCA with organic certification to cater the services vide G.O. No.103 dated 27.02.2016.
TSSCA has initiated Organic Certification by establishing Telangana State Organic Certification Authority (TSOCA) with an aim to render services in inspection and certification of Agricultural products and food processing by assessing the conformity of the products with NPOP standards and other International standards. In view of the authorization by the Government of Telangana for carrying out Organic certification, Telangana State Seed Certification Agency (TSSCA) is renamed as Telangana State Seed & Organic Certification Authority (TGSOCA).
TGSOCA is putting up best efforts to implement quality control regimes in compliance with the national and international seed standards like Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards (IMSCS), 2013; International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Seed Schemes.
TGSOCA is one of the five (5) Designated Authorities in India nominated by Government of India being responsible for implementing International (OECD) Seed certification in the states of Telangana & Chattisgarh.
TGSOCA has initiated organic certification with an aim to render service in inspection and certification of agricultural products and food processing in India by assessing conformity of products with National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) standards and Participatory Guarantee System (PGS).
TGSOCA is committed to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 QMS in rendering quality services to our customers and continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
To assure quality in certified seed to be produced and certified in the state for supply to the farming community in the State, Nation and the Globe.